THROUGH THE WIRE WITH HIP HOP -POP/RAP ARTIST DIVERSE CHARACTER![]() Zangba Thomson NY Life Coach Examiner Trenton, New Jersey representative—Damon Jeremiah Washington, also know as Diverse Character (DC), is an emerging emcee with an innate desire to become a household name. His music—is not only hypnotizing, but it is also—diverse like the emoji character sets on your smart phones and computers. I got a chance to kick it with DC—the young hot spitta—and this is what he had to say. ZT: What’s the meaning behind your name? DC: Diverse Character is an assorted way of saying, “The difference in a person or a person that is different.” You see—when I was growing up, I wasn’t considered—quote unquote—the norm. So, everything I did then and do now—or stood for then and stand for now—is formatted in a different way because my thought patterns are not like the average person. I’m different. ZT: Growing up, who were some of your musical influences? DC: I got into Hip-Hop at an early age—not knowing that it was my calling. I remember seeing all the hip-hop greats on MTV Jams, BET, etc. So you can say—Hip-Hop music and the Hip-Hop culture influenced me greatly, and also, Michael Jackson, Lincoln Park and Justin Timberlake’s music played a key role in my musical evolution. ZT: Which famous person do people say you look like the most? DC: My mother always tells me that my father is Tupac Shakur because of the way my head is shaped and the way I carry myself, but I believe she only says that because she’s still in love with Tupac and his music. ZT: How would you describe your sound? DC: Very ambient, hip, realistic and cultural appreciative. My music is powerful and the “superstar sound” I am able to create—can undoubtedly move any type of crowd or audiences. ZT: What’s the greatest obstacle you had to overcome and how did you overcome it? DC: The greatest obstacle I had to overcome was myself. Knowing the type of music I made, and the type of music people wanted to hear from me—was extremely contradicting. Why does he talk different? Why isn’t he talking about killing people in his records? Why is his clothes so fitted? These are questions many people wanted to know about me. But I am cool with who I am, and when it comes to the man in the mirror—I hear the words that God is speaking into my heart, and I’ve learned to believe in myself before anyone can get a chance to tell me that my dreams won’t come true. ZT: What's the worst advice anyone has ever given you? DC: Someone told me once that I have to remain the same. But the world changes constantly, and circumstances change on a daily basis. So, we as people must be able to adapt to whatever life throws at us. Yes, it’s cool to stay loyal to those who were there for you from the start, but don't be ignorant enough—to not want to change for the better, which will open you up to new things. ZT: What would you say is your greatest accomplishment? DC: I’ve had many accomplishments, TV segments, big name shout outs, etc., but in my eyes—the accolades are not the most important thing to me. Being happy—no matter if I ever sell a million records, win a Grammy or be considered the greatest—is what matters the most. As long as I can say—I made someone feel better through my art, that’s enough for me to rest easy. People die every second, so why not give the world—happy moments? ZT: You are an MTV featured artist—what is that experience like? DC: It’s very normal. Much like the average artist—I am still unsigned. But my work ethic is what keeps the fans believing in me, buying my music and following me on the various social media platforms. The title as a “MTV Artist” is one I am extremely proud of, but it is only a piece of the jigsaw puzzle that I aim to complete. I work with various artists from around the world, and getting to meet people that approve of my art, as well as believing in it—feels good. It feels amazing! I love MTV and what they are doing to showcase new artists. ZT: What advice would you give to an aspiring rapper? DC: Don’t ever let anyone steer you away from your vision. You are the colors of the art you illustrate. Never forget that. Relate and conquer your market in which you aim to build. Accept criticism and be open to new ideas that will help expand your name and brand. Bottom line is—be yourself and the world will want to hear your story. ZT: Years from now, when people say Diverse Character, what will they say? DC: He was brilliant! He got me through a lot of situations that were unbearable. He understood the world that we live in. They will praise my name next to Jimmy Hendrix, Jay-z, Tupac, Michael Jackson and more because he, who believes, can conquer all things through Christ. If you can get people to believe, you can lead. Diverse Character is not only a brand, but also a cultivating movement in which the norm will have to adapt to. Be different! ZT: What’s your favorite word and why? DC: Resilience—the ability to bounce back from any situation or burden. This word represents me because I have undergone many problems that only God has pushed me through. Resiliency is the key to success because it’s the will and the way to keep going. ZT: How can people get in contact with you? DC: You can follow me on Twitter & Instagram @VerseCharacter; and also, for bookings, features or any other business inquiries—you can personally email me at [email protected]. ZT: Thanks for a great interview, and as an honored guest, is there anything else you would like to say? DC: I love every single one of you! I do this for the people who haven't yet found their vision. I do this for the college boys who best memories was getting drunk and smoking because they haven't found the best memories at home. I do this for anyone who finds happiness under the influence and is neglected by society. I do this for you. Live, love and laugh every moment away you can. God Bless! ZT: In conclusion, I want to end this Q&A session with Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” Thanks again for reading another Through The Wire article, and always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (PEACE). |